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1815 W 14th St, Houston, TX 77008


Bot Chatbot LLM Machine Learning

LLMs and chatbots: a brief update

Generally and historically, data engineering, analytics, and science efforts focused on progressing from data to knowledge/wisdom. The emergence of LLMs allows for the decomposition of wisdom/knowledge back down to data. This can enable novel discovery, integrate with information systems, and drive automated processes. GenAI Categories Generation: Use bedrock models to create code, text, or images […]

AI Artificial Intelligence AWS Machine Learning

Boost AI Fairness and Explainability with Amazon SageMaker Clarify

From hiring decisions to loan approvals and even healthcare recommendations, machine learning (ML) impacts our lives daily. Fairness and explainability are crucial in this context. Fairness means data is balanced, and model predictions are fair across groups. Checking for fairness ensures that negative outcomes are fair across all groups, such as age or gender. Explainability […]